My name is Christina, and I am a Parent Mentor for Field and Southeast Local Schools. I assist families in navigating the Special Education Process, serving as a connecting point between home and school. I am available to offer feedback, guidance, and advice throughout your journey within the special education system. Whether your child is already receiving accommodations or you believe they might need them, I can help guide you through the services your child may be eligible for. I can lend a listening ear, assist you in finding resources, attend meetings with your family, and provide support for anything in between.
I personally understand that the special education process can be challenging to navigate. As a Parent Mentor, it is my role to help make this process a little easier for you. I am happy to assist you every step of the way. If you are in need of my services, please fill out this form, and I will be in touch as soon as possible. If this is an urgent matter that requires immediate attention, please email me at or