Open Enrollment Information
Open Enrollment 2024-2025 is closed and no new Open Enrollment applications will be accepted during the school year.
Kindergarten registration for the 2025 – 2026
Students turning five on or before August 1st , 2025, can register by appointment only every Tuesday & Thursday from April 1st – May 15th from 9:45 am – 2:45 pm at Suffield Elementary and Brimfield Elementary.
1. You will need to go to Final Forms and complete this for your child.
2. You will need to schedule an appointment time for registration:
Suffield Elementary Appointment Slots
Brimfield Elementary Appoitment Slots
When you come for your appointment allow approximately 30 minutes to complete other registration forms.
3. At registration, parents or guardians will be required to bring the following:
1. Two Proofs of Residency - 1 proof of residency must be a signed lease (with tenant &
landlord signature) or mortgage statement, 2nd proof can be a utility bill
2. Child’s Official Birth Certificate (NOT Hospital Copy with footprints)
3. Child’s Record of Immunizations
4. Parent’s driver’s license
5. Legal Custody Documents, if applicable
No child will be permitted to start school without a complete immunization record. We will let you know at the time of registration if your child is missing any immunizations. If you do not presently have your child’s immunization record, please contact your doctor’s office for this information. Your doctor can fax the records to 330-628-9160 (Suffield Elementary), 330-677-2519 (Brimfield Elementary) or you can bring a copy with you.
The following is a list of the immunizations required by Ohio State law for entrance into school:
5 doses of DTaP, DTP, or DT in any combination, if the 4th dose was given before the 4th birthday
4 doses Polio Vaccine, the final dose MUST be given on or after the 4th birthday.
3 doses Hepatitis B
2 doses MMR
2 doses Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine
Further information will be in the parent information packet available at registration. Call if you have any questions.
Suffield Elementary 330-552-5252, Mrs. Hurd
Brimfield Elementary 330-673-8581, Mrs. Dalziel
Vision, Speech, and Hearing screenings will be conducted in the fall after school begins.
New Student Registration Information
#1 Fill out the information needed at this link: Final Forms
#2 Bring the following copies to the school office
Two Proofs of Residency-
One (1) proof of residency that is a copy of a current lease/rental agreement (with tenant & landlord signature) or mortgage statement.
The second proof of residency must be one of the acceptable proofs of residency from the list below. The item(s) must be in the parent or legal Guardian’s name and be dated within the last 30 days. The item needs to contain a complete address with city, state, and zip code.
Child’s Official Birth Certificate (NOT Hospital Copy with footprints)
Child’s Social Security Card
Child’s Record of Immunizations
Parent’s driver’s license
Legal Custody Documents, if applicable.
A copy of the student's previous report card is helpful, but not required. If your child receives special services, please bring a copy of the IEP and ETR.
#3 When you drop off your documents, you will also need to complete 2 registration papers.
Your child is not “enrolled” until all of the above information is completed and received.
Acceptable Proofs of Residency
The item(s) MUST be in the parent or legal Guardian’s name and be dated within the last 30 days. The item needs to contain a complete address with city, state, and zip code. Field Local Schools will ONLY accept the following items (no photographs accepted):
1 proof of residency must be a signed lease (with tenant & landlord signature) or mortgage statement
Gas, water, electric, sewer or waste removal bill
Bank statement
Pay stub
Cable/Internet/Landline statement
Homeowner/ Renter Insurance declaration, Deed or Property Tax Statement
Official document from federal, state or county agency showing benefits received (may qualify)
Enrollment Information
Final Forms Link
Residency Forms
Residency Information (updated 5/2022)
Student Handbook and Forms
Field Local Schools Student Handbook 2024-2025
Request Forms
Click Here for All District Forms (Medical, etc.)