
Field High School Counseling Department

Kara Morgart (9th-11th Grade) - (330) 673-9591 ext. 5017

Katie Kuzas(10th & 12th Grade)- (330) 673-9591 ext. 5016

Mrs. YeichDebbie Yeich (Secretary) - (330) 673-9591 ext. 5018

Services provided by the counseling department are for ALL students. The counselors are available for every student who wishes to discuss such matters as career planning, educational planning, and personal and social development.

Materials are available in the Counseling Office concerning areas of occupation or college information.

The Counseling Department provides assistance to students and parents through a variety of activities which include:

  1. Individual counseling
  2. High school course selection and scheduling
  3. Career information services
  4. Parent/teacher conferences
  5. Testing and placement
  6. Transcript and record-keeping activities
  7. Classroom presentations